Monday, July 15, 2013

Letter #21

Mon 7/15/13 12:05 PM
Hey Mom!

How are you? So, this past week was pretty fantastic!! We met with Jill twice! On Tuesday we taught her about the Restoration of the Gospel and she was very receptive and the whole lesson was just so spirit filled! We met with her again on Friday and taught her about the Plan of Salvation! She absolutely loved it! When we asked her if she had any questions, she said, "no, everything just makes so much sense". I seriously just love her so much! We asked her if she would be baptized and she said YES! She just wants to get her husband on board with it first. He doesn't have any religious background at all which is sometimes easier. She said that he's a very shy and neutral person so he's not for it but he's not against it. When we met with her on Tuesday, her son Nicholas who's 6, was standing in the hallway with his head poking out. We turned around and he turned on Jason Aldean really loud and walked out with his plaid shirt and cowboy hat! CUTEST THING EVER!!! And then when they came to church he was wearing a little tux and fedora hat! And the other son Christian who's 10 runs his own lawn mowing business like Joshy, and actually makes quite a bit of money doing it. I just love that family so much! And when they came to church yesterday, when we were sitting in Relief Society, they had Jill stand up and introduce herself. The spirit was so strong and tears were rolling down both her face and ours. My testimony that Heavenly Father truly has prepared people for us and to hear the gospel has grown so much and I absolutely love being an instrument in the Lord's hand :) We also met a young man about 17 while walking down the street on Thursday. His name is Matthew and he looked super sad. We went up to him and started telling him about the Book of Mormon and bore testimony of how it has blessed our lives. Tears came to his eyes and when he went to talk he was all choked up. I know that we met him for a reason and it makes my heart so happy to think that I may have just made his day a little better than it was before we opened our mouth. Another thing we did this week was we went to a place called Grandma's Home. It's a place where old ladies live who have Alzheimers and dimensia. We met one lady named Francis who was very quiet. She said very few words and just starred at us. We decided to read her a book that was in the room and she got all teary when we did. There was a teddy bear on the table so I made a cape and a hat for the bear and she smiled really big and started laughing. And then said well isn't that cute! Haha! She's great! We have also been working with and ex-communicated member and she seems to be getting more interested in coming back into the church. She said that ever since we tracted into her, she hadn't stopped thinking about it. It's pretty amazing how the Lord works and lately we have been seeing many miracles happen. Last week we received quite a few referrals from members and they all seem very promising!! Sister Marble and I are so excited to start teaching all of these people who have been prepared to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Oh! So there are blackberries EVERYWHERE here!!! Everywhere we go there are blackberries and we eat them like they're candy! Same with plumbs. They grow wild here so it's awesome! We don't have to pay to buy fruit, we can just pick it off the street :D When we were tracting the other day, we were walking down this lane and we heard a weird noise, we kept walking and there was a skunk and like 6 babies! They were so cute!! I'll try to send a pic! Oh!! Another thing! Last P-day, we went over to Larry's (Recent Convert aka BEST Ward Missionary) and he made Sister Marble and I a birthday dinner! He and his friend Gloria and her grandkids also made us a birthday cake and gave us a little gift! It was super fun :) And guess what we're doing today?!?!?!? We are going up to his house for dinner again with some members in the ward and the people he lives by are a less active/part member family and they like to feed the bears that come to their house! So hopefully I will see a bear tonight and maybe even get a picture with one!! I am so excited! I really just love being a missionary and this whole past week i've been so happy! Like happier than I've ever been.. EVER! I love this gospel and the happiness and joy that it brings into my life and those whom I am teaching. I love the Book of Mormon and feel that because of it, my relationship with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has really been strengthened. I love this work and the opportunity I have each and every day to share my testimony. I love my companion and all that she teaches me and the awesome friendship that we have! She seriously the best! She is most likely going to move to St.George when she gets home from serving and it's just going to be great! I love my family and all that you guys do for me. I can't express how grateful I am for each of you and for the examples that you have been in my life. Thank you for always supporting me and for all of your love! You are amazing!!!

I LOVE YOU!!! I hope you have a wonderful week!

Sister Lyndsie Hall

Monday, July 8, 2013

Letter #20

     Mon 7/08/13 11:50 AM

Hi Mom!!! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for the Birthday package!! I absolutely LOVED it!!!! The skirt fits perfect and so do the shirts you sent! I got both yours and Chelsie's package on Saturday and couldn't wait to open them until my birthday yesterday! My birthday was pretty great! It started off with a call from President and Sister Young calling to wish me a Happy Birthday! And it always makes my day to hear from them. They are like my parents away from home and they just make me smile so big :) But I would have to say the best gift I got was when our investigator Jill and her family came to church!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! She is seriously so amazing! We had our first lesson with her on Friday and it went so incredibly well! She has a lot of friends who are members in our ward so that's been nice to have fellow shippers for her. I honestly can't tell you how wonderful she is! I just wish you could meet her! We will be meeting with her twice a week and we plan to have her on date for baptism next time we see her!! I am just really excited for her and her family to be apart of this wonderful gospel! We also met this guy named David last Friday. He is from Poland so that was pretty cool. He was asking all sorts of questions and accepted a Book of Mormon and said he would love to know more about our church. He was very surprised when we answered his question about how Mormons are Christians. Haha! Sometimes I just don't understand how people don't think that we as members of the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints aren't Christian... It says it right there in the name. Ha oh well! So... it's kind of weird being on a mission during holidays. On the 4th of July, they told us to do soft proselyting and we weren't really sure what that meant so we just visited people, no tracting or anything like that. We also had to be in by 7:00 which was weird cause it was still light outside. We visited a less active member that day and Sister Marble has been craving a hot dog the past couple weeks and she said if she didn't have a hot dog on the 4th of July, she would probably cry, cause who doesn't have hot dogs on the 4th! It made me laugh! Anyway, one thing I have to say is that I really miss your cooking, mom. People cook good food here but it's nothing compared to yours :] We also visited another less active couple and the husband reminds me so much of grandpa! He is just the cutest and always gives really good advice about pretty much everything.. mostly life after the mission and getting married and work stuff. We didn't really have much go on last week because we don't really have anybody to teach. We've been tracting A LOT and I think I have come up with a new definition of Grants Pass- NO TRESPASSING! I swear everyone has those signs. It's quite frustrating and we've actually started ignoring them.. but don't worry nothing bad has happened…yet! Hah! We ran into a guy that had like 6 guns just sitting on his couch and he had one on his hip and he wanted us to hold them... I’m pretty sure that's not allowed but he insisted. We're okay though. I want to thank you again for the awesome package you sent me and for all of you love and support! It means the world to me! I love you so much! Have a fantastic week!!!!
Sister Hall :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Letter #19

Sent: Mon 7/01/13 11:58 AM                                      
Hi mom! How are you doing? This week has been so incredible! We got 3 referrals last week from ward members and they are all families so we will start teaching them this week!! I am SOOO excited! We met all 3 families and they are just amazing and pretty solid!! I swear they're already LDS! We also found a man named Jim. We talked to him for quite awhile on his doorstep and he's pretty great too! He has a TON of questions and is kind of a skeptic.. Actually he's a really big skeptic but we will be meeting with him tomorrow and taking our WML along with us. Also when we were tracting the other day, we found 4 people who have never heard of the Book of Mormon. It made me so sad that they hadn't even heard about it but we were able to give each of them a copy and they all said they would read from it! So... you said that it's been pretty hot back home, well it is hotter than Hades here!! It's so humid and I always feel so sticky! I felt like I was about to throw up yesterday just cause it was so hot out! If you could send me some mesh garments or some kind that you think would be cooler, that would be very much appreciated. Oh! So.. Tuesday one of the members of the bishopric called and asked Sister Marble and I to talk in Sacrament this Sunday about missionary work. The WML and a recent convert also spoke. The whole day at church was all about missionary work and we really hope that the ward will catch the vision and help us to find new people to teach. This Friday we will be going over to Monte and Marlow's home for dinner and to teach them Lesson 2 (the plan of salvation)!!! We can't wait! They are so prepared and I just love them so much! We also went up to a Less Active members home this past week and helped them weed their garden! We got to wear pants! It was awesome!! But at the same time it was just weird! Haha! I kinda forgot that I had 2 legs...They also have the cutest dog EVER! It's a boxer and he is so cuddly and playful! How is Petey? I got your letter in the mail! Thanks so much for all of the updates on everyone! Tell Kurt and Sheila that they are in my prayers. And I'm sorry to hear about your knee, that's not good :( I hope everything is okay... I haven't heard from Janiece in a while but i'm sure she's busy with work and everything. I get an e-mail from Trevors grandparents almost every week telling me what's been going on in their family. I'm not sure where Trevor is serving right now. Last I heard was that he's a District Leader in Cottage Grove. One of the sisters that was in his district is now in my district and she told me that he said to say hi to me. It made me smile :) Anyways, I hope that you are all doing well and you know how much I love and appreciate all that you do for me. I am so grateful to be apart of this wonderful gospel and for the opportunity i've been given to serve a mission. Especially here in the OEM!!! AKA The Best Mission In The World!!! I love you so much! Have a wonderful week!!

Sister Hall   
    Hot Air Balloon we saw this morning!
WWJD- What would Jesus do?
This week was sooo slow, all of our appointments fell through
So we did lots of tracting... 12 hours to be exact. 4 hours one day!

I got crazy tan lines on the tops of my feet. Haha!

Sister Varco and I!
Ward Missionary in Albany

Medford Temple in Central Point