Sunday, November 17, 2013

Letter #37

Hi Mom!

So guess what?...... I got transferred. I am now serving in Coquille, which is on the coast!!!!!! Crazy, huh? I was super bummed when we got transfer calls because I have come to love the Redwood Ward in Grants Pass so much. They have become my family and it was very very hard to say goodbye. Especially to Roberta and Jill and her Family. I think it will always be my favorite area. The people that I met there have changed my life and have helped mold me into the person I am today. But I also know that this is where Heavenly Father needs me right now. I just barely got here and my new companion is Sister Opheim! She was Sister Collins companion in the MTC. I just met her about 10 minutes ago and she seems awesome! I am not a Sister Training Leader, which is kind of a relief. I think sometimes President Young likes to give us a scare when it comes transfers which is not okay.. Haha but guess what else? Sister Collins is training! I am so excited for her and it has been such a neat experience to watch her learn and grow and to see her testimony of this work and gospel be strengthened. I feel very blessed that I was able to be her Trainer, she is such a strong person and has so much potential :) I am pretty excited to be serving here in Coquille! We cover a huge area but it's a very small town. I think the population is only like 4,500 with one stop light. The buildings i've seen so far are super old but I love it! Anyway, this past week in Grants Pass RON GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was probably the best and most spiritual part of my mission so far. I can't explain the joy that comes from seeing somebody work so hard for something and then finally after years, make that change. He has such a desire to know God and Jesus Christ and his knowledge and intelligence just blow my mind. I can't wait until I can go back after my mission and see all of these people that I have gained friendships with. Thank you so much for the Halloween Package!! Did you dump like the entire candy bowl into that bag??? Lol! It was a TON! I am going to try and send pictures today! I hope you get them. Oh! And do you know if Trevor got transferred or not? Well, I hope you have an excellent week! Thanks for everything! You are the best!!!!


Lyndsie :)

P.S. I will be sending another package home of stuff. I don't know how but I have accumulated so much stuff on my mission...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Letter #36
 Mon 10/28/13 11:50 AM

Good Morning!

This week has probably been the best week so far on my mission!!!!! We saw so many miracles!!!! We had interviews with President Young on Tuesday and they went really well. I'm pretty sure that I was in there the longest with him. We were able to talk about so many different things! He answered a ton of questions I had without me even asking them. He is such an inspired man and I just love him! He also told me how Trevor is doing and told me totally random things...( explained Trevor's entire apartment in detail) Haha! I'm not quite sure why? He's a funny man! He also told me some things that really boosted my confidence and also made me a bit nervous about this upcoming transfer. He said that he trusts me so much and that I am such a valuable missionary. Oh, and he told me that I most likely will be getting transferred.................... He said he has big plans for me and he's sure that I will be successful in any assignment that he calls me to do. Speaking of, the past 2 exchanges I've been on has been with Sister Training Leaders (kinda like zone leaders except for the sisters) One of them said that she had a dream that I was going to take her place and the other one said she's pretty sure I will be too. That kinda makes me nervous a lot. Heh... Anyhow, on to the miracles that I was talking about! So, you know the Native American man, Ron, that i've been telling you about ever since I got to Grants Pass 6 months ago? Well guess what?!?!? HE'S GETTING BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been a long struggle with him due to his mental stability. We have had to work with the Stake Presidency, Pres. Young, our Bishop and Zone Leaders so much in deciding whether he is ready and capable of making the commitment to be baptized. But we had a very spiritual meeting with him and our Bishop last week and the Lord confirmed to each one of us there that he is ready! :D I think that experience has been one of the most spiritual times I have ever had. It is such an incredible feeling and sight, to see someone from the beginning of there journey towards baptism to the time when they can enter into the waters of baptism and make that covenant. I am SOOO happy for him! Another miracle that happened was yesterday at church. One of our ward members has a niece living in Albany (my last area) and she told me yesterday that she had talked to Sister Schrishuhn and she said that BEVERLY is getting BAPTIZED on the 23 of November!!!! I couldn't hold back the tears when she told me. I so badly wish I could be there but that's okay. I'm just glad to hear that she has finally committed! Another miracle, is when one of the less active members that we've been working with for a long time, marked in his Book of Mormon for the very first time since he got it. He has struggled ever since he got baptized with the Word of Wisdom and working on the Sabbath day. We left 2 Nephi 4 for him to read and he never did so we read it with him that night. He stopped in the middle of a verse and said, " I know that scripture was written just for me." It was such a neat experience to be apart of. He knows the things he needs to do he just needs to do them. Our ward had their Primary Program yesterday and Oh my goodness!!!! I bawled like the whole time. Those kids are so stinkin' cute! It made me even more excited to have my own little family someday! And we have like 4 newborn babies in the ward and I die everytime I see them and can't hold them :( Our ward missionary had a singles event on Saturday and he was signed up to feed us dinner so we went to the activity and it was super awkward...... Hahaha Sister Collins and I laughed about it all night. OH! And since it's Halloween soon our district leader did a fun/gross object lesson on Friday. We had to stick our hands into boxes and find beads (investigators) but we had no idea what we sticking our hands into. I got stuck putting my hand into a bowl of boiled grapes and worms! It was quite disgusting! Well, that was the highlights of my week. It seems like the days just get better and better! I love this work and I love this gospel! More than anything else! Besides you guys too! :) I love you so much! Tell everyone I said hello! And if you happen to forward this e-mail to Trevor.... I love you! :)

Love You!


Sister Hall :)