Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Letter #55

 Mon 3/31/14 1:05 PM
Hi Mom!
So this past week was GREAT!! Tuesday we had Zone Conference in Eugene and it was sooo good! I always love seeing President and Sister Young :) They are the best and I just love them so much! They always know exactly what to say.. So inspired! Trevor wasn't there but President Young talked to me later and said that I would be seeing him at our MLC which is tomorrow! We will be driving to Medford/Central Point and going to the temple!!!!!! I feel very privileged because only the leadership in the mission will be going. We then will be going to the Stake Center for our meeting and talking about becoming more consecrated missionaries.  

We also went on exchanges again this week, this time in Melrose! It was pouring rain ALL day! We were tracting and got completely drenched- funny thing though, we were knocking doors on Rainbow Street and as one of the doors opened the clouds opened up and a rainbow appeared in the sky. Haha! It was pretty sweet!

On Saturday we had 2 baptisms! Mary's was at 11am and it went really well! Her husband (who I may be related to) was able to baptize and confirm her! It was one of the neatest things to be a part of. He is a very quiet/shy man and he was so nervous but he did awesome! The other was Ivy!! And she is just so sweet! None of her family are members of the church but all of them were there to support her and the whole baptismal program was very spirit filled. I believe that they too will one day enter the waters of baptism. :)

Did you watch the Women's Broadcast on Saturday?!?!?! I hope so! It was SOOOO good! I love everything that was said and the spirit that was felt was amazing! I think it's great that all women ages 8 and up are now encouraged to watch it.

This past week has been super crazy busy and this upcoming week is going to be even busier! We have so many things going on and so many great people that we are meeting. It's really wonderful that we are so busy but at the same time, it makes the time go by so fast and it is kind of terrifying. What I meant about what Sister Young said about what transfer I wanted to come home, is that sisters get to choose whether they want to go home the early transfer or the late since there isn't a transfer in between.

You asked if i've been able to watch the videos on Facebook of Trevor and his companion singing... I WISH!!! I see them post things all the time, but I don't know if I’m allowed to watch, comment, or like the things that he posts, so I don't. It kind of stinks a lot cause he puts some really great things on there and I would like to comment but I don't know if that would be appropriate or not so I just smile :)

Also, I have a dentist appointment this Thursday and guess who the dentist is? Brodie Perry's brother in-law. Yep. That's right, I ran into another one of his family members. His sisters family is in our ward and are they are super great! I cannot believe how small of a world it is. I feel like it gets smaller every single day, especially in the church. 

I absolutely LOVE being a Sister Training Leader!!!! I get to go to different areas every week and see how the other missionaries work and I get to help them with whatever they may be struggling with. I feel very blessed to have been entrusted with this assignment.

I love this work more than anything and I am so grateful for the many people that I get to talk to each day, each hour. I know that I am where I am supposed to be and I am enjoying every second of it!
I love you so much! I hope you have a fabulous week!!
