Friday, February 28, 2014

Letter #50

Mon 2/24/14 2:20 PM

So this past week was quite the roller coaster. Monday was quite the adventure... We had a really great lesson with one of our new investigators. He had a ton of questions (which is the best) and was really interested in learning about eternal families. We taught him about The Plan of Salvation and he is praying about The Book of Mormon. It was such an awesome lesson! We then went to our next appointment (they bailed on us) so we got back in the car to leave  and guess what?! We couldn't move. We had gotten stuck in the mud! We tried to get ourselves out for about 40 minutes and finally decided to call the Elders. They didn't answer. Ha! So we tried again. Still the car wouldn't budge. The tires just kept spinning. We then decided to knock on a few doors until the Elders called us back.. When they called they said they were just leaving Myrtle Point which is about 25 miles away from where we were. When they got there we tried pretty much everything-- the car just kept sinking deeper and deeper.  (too bad Trevor wasn't there.. He knows how to get out of just about any kind of mud- Haha! I miss that jeep! ) We finally called one of our members to come pull us out..  We also had dinner with a Recent Convert and his wife on Tuesday. They are the sweetest couple! The whole time we were in their home they couldn't stop talking about how excited they were to go to the temple for the first time! We couldn't help but be excited with and for them :) Later we got a very astonishing phone call. One of the less active ladies we are working with in the ward had somebody call us and tell us that her husband hung himself. He wasn't a member but he was the nicest man and I had talked to him quite a bit.. I was very shocked when we got the call and it made my heart just sink. That's been really rough for me, especially because it brought back some of the feelings I had when Matt passed away and I still feel like crying sometimes but it made me even more grateful for the knowledge that we have of The Plan of Salvation and the peace and comfort we can receive in times like these. Anyways, we had a really good district meeting on Friday and it made me think about the kind of missionary that I am and the missionary that I want to become before the end of my mission. This Thursday will mark 1 year of being in the mission field! I cannot believe it. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a time warp. The weeks are flying by and I honestly don't know how I feel about it. I feel like there is still so much I need to learn and so much growth I still need to make and I feel that I am nowhere near where I should be and it's really frustrating........ 

We also had a really great lesson on the Atonement in Sunday School at church yesterday. Something that was said is that we need to use and apply the Atonement every hour, of every day of our lives, not just in times of trial. And I love that. Jesus Christ took upon himself not only our sins but everything that we have and ever will go through. He's already performed the Atonement for us and it is up to us, our responsibility to use it to the fullest.
On Saturday we had a Stake Cultural Activity on Saturday which was really fun! They had a Chili Cook off with a talent show and GUESS WHAT?!?!?! We missionaries in the Stake decided last minute that we were going to perform as well. Some of us previously learned the Tongan Hakka from a training a while ago and that's what we did. We of course changed the words to make it relate to missionary work but it was way fun and everyone there loved it! (Somebody might have posted it on Facebook already) We shall see. Anyway, that was kinda how my week went. Lots of ups and lots of downs but all is good. I hope that you have a great week and know that I love and miss you.
Sorry this e-mail is all over the place. There are so many thoughts and feelings going on in my mind and heart right now and it are hard to put it all into words.
I love you.


P.S. A member made us Manti Chicken last night for dinner.... I thought that was your special recipe! Made me feel like I was at home... weird nostalgic feelings.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Letter #49

Sent: Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 12:24p.m.

Hi mom :)

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE VALENTINES PACKAGE!!! You and Chels are really quite creative! The box was SO cute and it totally made my day!

Also, thanks for the great e-mail! I feel like I’m somewhat up to date now on what's happening back home. It's seems like not much has changed since I left.. I can't believe all the surgeries you've been having on your feet lately! Sounds so painful. I hope everything is okay and you’re healing quickly. Also, I hope everything is going well. It sounds like you've been a bit stressed out lately.
Know that you and the whole family are always in my prayers. I sure miss Weston, Wyatt, Roman, & Carter a ton and... I can't even explain how excited I am that there's going to be a brand new baby when I get home!!!!!

Speaking of, do you have Stacie and Kelli's e-mail address? If I could get those that would be greatly appreciated :)  

So, you said that you are going to be planting a garden soon- Does that mean it's warming up?? Tell Rich that I can't wait to help out with the garden! You should plant raspberries! And squash! One of the members taught me a really good recipe for a squash soup- SO good!    

 Anyway, this past week was kinda slow but it was good. It's been raining like crazy ALL DAY- EVERY DAY and it's been super crazy windy- Sister Nealy and I almost blew into a man that was walking down the street! It was pretty funny AND awkward. Wind + Skirts = NOT OKAY! Haha!

Oh dear.... The power has gone out a few times and I've learned that there's no use even trying to stay dry cause you're just going to get wet... no matter what. Coquille has lots of pastures and in the winter they call them "Winter Lakes" because all of the fields literally turn into lakes. It's so weird! One day we saw cows and sheep in the field and the next it was completely filled with water. 

We haven't been able to meet with very many of our investigators because they're either super sick or out of town. It's a total bummer but it's given us lots of time to work with the Less Actives in the ward which has been nice. We are trying to search out all of the In-Active Young Women (like me in my past life) in the ward this week so hopefully we'll be able to find them. Most of them live out in the middle of nowhere so we will see what comes of it :)

Guess what?!?!?!?! On Wednesday, we had lunch with Janet and little Jesusia and it was super delish! Ghana food is definitely going on one of my favorites list! We got to talk to her about her home and family in Ghana and it sounds like such a relaxed care-free place. She said that people just dance all the time and there is always music playing or people playing music and that the children can just wander anywhere and know when it's time to come home and they don't have to worry about them. It sounds like a pretty sweet place! Her and Augustine said that they would love to take us there someday which I really hope happens!
I really can't wait to go through the temple with them when they get sealed next year! It will be the best day :D

We had an awesome training with President and Sister Young last week and that was really fun! We did lots and lots of role plays (like you see in the district) except better because it's the OEM! :P Anyway, that is pretty much what my week consisted of.

Oh! And I had a laughing break down and my companion has completely lost it! 

I LOVE YOU!!!! And I hope all is well! Tell everyone that I said hello!


Lyndsie :)

P.S. Will you keep Nate Myers and his family in your prayers- His big brother passed away this week :'(



Letter #48

Sent: Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 11:29a.m.

So.. This past week was so amazing! We saw miracles like nobody's business! First off, JOHN AND SHARON got BAPTIZED!!!!!!! I am so incredibley happy for them! They have lived a very very rough life and to be able to see the change and growth within them is such a blessing to me to be apart of.  The whole baptismal service and just that whole day was filled with miracles. The man that baptized them was from Grants Pass! And guess what?!?! He's from the Redwood ward- the ward I just finished serving in!!! When I walked in the door, he and his wife (The Pearson's) both were so surprised and so was I :D Brother Pearson teared up and thanked me for being on a mission. He said that this was one of the happiest days of his life. He had hoped and prayed that he would live to see the day John and Sharon enter the waters of baptism. It was such a sweet sweet experience! One I will never forget.

Another miracle that happened at the baptism is when John and Sharon's brand new friend (they met her and her husband 3 days before the baptism) showed up and told us that she wanted to join the church. She said that she has been searching for a long time for a place where she could find hope and told us the moment she walked into the church building she knew that she had found the hope that she had been searching for, for so long. We have an appointment with her and her husband tomorrow!

Then the same night of the baptism we got a phone call from a member telling us that they want us to meet her friend! He has a lot of questions and would like to meet with us! We are so stoked! We also met a man named Tony for the first time on Wednesday and he was very open and receptive to the message of the Restoration. He accepted the invitation to be baptized on the 5th of March!! AND Janet (from Ghana) is getting baptized this weekend!! I seriously cannot wait for you to meet this cute little family! They are the BEST! They said they want to feed us dinner sometime and showed us some pictures of food from Ghana! It looked... interesting! I'll let you know how it goes. Haha!

OH! And one of my friends from High School wants to learn more about the gospel so I will be teaching them online! Things are definitely happening and it's a testimony to me that the Lord truly is hastening His work. I am so grateful to be apart of it!
My heart is so full every day that I feel like it might just burst!

I love being a missionary and I love this work so much!!

Some other great things that are happening.....
- Temple Trip on Wednesday!

- President and Sister Young are doing a special training with us Friday!

- Going on Exchanges!

- Sister Nealy's Birthday! (She's 20 today!)

- Sister Collins ( My Trainee) is in our Zone!

- Elder Johnson (Callie's boyfriend?) is my new ZL

- We're getting I-Pads this month!

I can't explain how happy I am and how much I love my Savior. The tender mercies I see each day are evidence of his perfect love and I know that our Father in Heaven and Christ are in every detail of our lives. He cares for each and every one of us and is there always. I am so grateful for this gospel and for the person I am becoming because of it. I know with all of my being that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real and that it is only through him that we can have true peace. I love my mission and all that I am learning.

I am so grateful to you for all that you do for me. I hope that you and the rest of the family are doing well and that you are happy. I hope you know how much I love you. Have the greatest week!

Lyndsie :)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Letter #47

Mon 1/27/14 3:45 PM

Hi mom!
Today is transfer day! I am staying here in Coquille and my new companion is Sister Nealy! I already knew who she was cause she's been in my district for the past 6 weeks. She seems really spunky and like a very diligent missionary so I'm super excited :) This morning one of our members took both of us to the transfer spot in Eugene..  We had to leave at 5:00 this morning so we weren't able to find another member that I could stay with so I had to go along for the ride which was fine but I guess I wasn't supposed to be there....... Probably because Trevor was there!! And guess what?!?!?! We got to talk for a few minutes! The AP's called President Young and got permission. We weren't able to talk for as long as we both would have liked but it was still really really great to see him!

This week was another pretty great one! It was quite the roller coaster with one of our investigators (he pretty much dropped us, and then was begging for us to still meet with him) but all is good now. Our other investigators are progressing quite well too so we are super excited about that! Between the Elders in our ward and us, we have 10 people on date for baptism! Coquille is on fire and we can all feel it. OH! So, super cool miracle happened last Friday. I had been feeling really impressed to go tracting on a particular street and the first door we knocked on a women answered the door and said, "That is really strange that you are standing here on my porch because I just got done praying 5 minutes ago asking God for guidance and direction in my life, because I just got out of a really bad relationship." We talked to her about prayer and how Heavenly Father is in the very details of our lives. She then went on to say, " So, when can you come back?" We were so stoked! Every time we have an experience like that or even the small miracles we see each day, it strengthens my testimony exponentially. I love this work more than anything and I am so grateful for the opportunity I've been given to dedicate this time of my life to our Lord and Savior.

I got your package! Thank you so much! I definitely will be using the leggings! I got your letter as well and it made me tear up a bit. I am so happy that you are watching the Preach My Gospel DVD's! Aren't they awesome?? We watch them every week, especially during training. And I absolutely LOVED Weston's picture! I hung it up on my wall and it makes me smile every time I see it! I sure miss those kiddos!

I hope that everything back home is going well and that you have a wonderful week! I will try my best to respond to your letter today! I love you so much!


Lynds :)

P.S. Elder Johnson, Callie's semi- boyfriend is one of my new Zone Leader's!

Letter #46

Mon 1/20/14 12:55 PM

Hi Mom!

How are you doing? This past week seems to have flown by even faster than the last one. I can't believe how quickly time is going by. RM's I talked to before I left weren't joking when they said it's over in a blink of an eye. Transfers are already coming up this next Monday and then it will be February before we know it.
We set a firm date with Janet (the lady from Ghana) for the 7th of February!!!!!! We are so excited for her!! Her and her family are so wonderful and have such a neat story. Hopefully we will be able to go to Africa someday and meet the rest of their family!! :D Anyway, there's not too much new to share other than being a missionary is THE BEST THING EVER!!!!! But I guess that isn't really new, is it? I can't even explain the joy that comes from serving the Lord. I have learned more in these past few months than I think I would have ever learned if I were at home. I feel so blessed for the opportunity I've been given to be here in Oregon and to have met all the people that I have. I honestly don't know who I'd be if it weren't for this experience. Thank you for all that you have done to help me be here and for always supporting me. I hope that you and the rest of the family are doing well and that you are enjoying life! I love you!!

I hope you have a great week!!!

