Thursday, July 31, 2014

Letter #69


Mon 7/07/14 4:14 PM

Hi Mom!
This past week was a bit slow but Sunday made up for the rest of the week when we saw some major miracles happen. One of my favorite less actives that we've been working with for some time now, finally came to church after 51 years!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally broke down in tears when I saw her walk in. She has made such great progression over the past few months that hasn't been the easiest and to have her sitting there next to us in the chapel was beyond fulfilling. Our investigator Patsy also came to church for the first time! She is 80 years old and we've been working with her ever since I got to Roseburg. She's one that has been stuck in her ways and not willing to do anything but the absolute sweetest women I've ever met. Both of my companions have wanted to drop her but I just couldn't do it and the Spirit wouldn't allow it either and I know it's because she is one of the elect. Within this past week we have seen so many significant changes in her. She prayer for the first time aloud- which she has never done, she committed to come to church- and actually did, and accepted the invitation to be baptized on the 26th of July!!! I cannot even begin to express how truly grateful I am to be an instrument in the Lord's hand. I have been able to feel Him working through me and there is not greater feeling in the world to know that you are helping one of His lambs come unto Him or one of His lost sheep to come back into His fold. This work is true. I know it and have a testimony of the divinity of our Savior Jesus Christ. He loves each of us beyond comprehension and that is the entire reason He came to this earth. I love Him with all that I am and am truly blessed to be one of His representatives. The name tag I wear means so much to me. Not only does it have my name inscribed upon it but His name-- the one who sacrificed all things for you and for me and for every person that has ever lived and will ever live.

We also had the opportunity to meet President and Sister Russell on Tuesday. They are nice people. Very much different from President and Sister Young but still very nice and very inspired. It's neat to see how the Lord prepares each person for the next phase of their life. I had a little breakdown that night only because I had so many emotions going on within me. Most of my mission friends and people I've grown very close to are going home next week, President Young has gone home, I received the one letter from Trevor (which was by far the best letter I've ever received- the growth I've seen within him is my favorite!), my companion is struggling with homesickness, our members are sometimes not very helpful, our investigators are flakey, I saw Brodie Perry, which made me feel a little excited about home, gratitude for my family, and on top of all that, I was drowned in Heavenly Father's love. To say the least, I was overwhelmed with every feeling possible.

I love my mission with everything that I am and wouldn't trade it for the world. It has molded me into the person I am today and I know that it is a training ground for the rest of my life. I am just so blessed.

So, my other favorite less active, is bipolar and is seriously the BEST! She is so stinkin' inspired and asks the deepest questions. She likes to find out every single thing about your life and it's kind of fun because I make it a game for her and feel like I am just my silly little self whenever i'm around her. This past week all she wanted to talk about was Trevor... Haha! She told me that their is a 40 page questionnaire she wrote that he has to take before I marry him. I cannot wait for you and everyone else to meet this incredible women. She has been through pretty much everything a person could ever go through in a lifetime and is still going strong. She wasn't able to have any children so she always calls us her "girls" and spoils us every time we see her. She is setting something up for my birthday as we speak. Lol! Speaking of my birthday.... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PACKAGE!!!!!! I received it just this morning and Sister Haugen decorated our entire apartment with the things you sent. Then her, Sister Falepapalangi, and Sister Opheim did a surprise picnic and took me to the train tracks! They even made me a birthday rap! That's probably my favorite part! Haha! It seriously is the best! I'm going to try to send it to you! You've got to show the whole family cause it's just that good!

I love you so much mom and really am so appreciative of all that you have done for me. Sometimes I catch myself saying or doing things that you do and I just smile because I have truly been blessed with the greatest mother. I love our family so dearly and am grateful for the things that I have learned from each of you. I hope that you had an enjoyable 4th of July! Have a wonderful week and know that you're in my prayers always!

Love You!

Sister Hall :)

Letter #67

Mon 6/23/14 2:35 PM

Hello Mother Dear!
How is everything going? I love all of the pictures that you sent!
Let's see... What even happened this past week? We had a fun lesson with Walker! He's the little 12 year old boy that we are teaching. He is so ready to be baptized but we're just waiting for the OK from his mom. It's a bit frustrating because we've been waiting almost 7 weeks for his mom and dad to get things figured out. I know..... it's taking forever! I sure am learning patience out here. I think that's one thing that the Lord has been teaching me constantly. It seems like that's something that is always being tried, whether it be with investigators, members, companions and other missionaries, or myself.
So the lesson we had with Walker was about prayer! Cool thing is that he had a friend over and we were able to teach him too! He told us that he used to go to church when he was really little but then stopped because his parents were having problems. When he said that it reminded me of a quote out of Preach My Gospel that says, "Satan is attacking the family on many fronts, and too many families are being destroyed by his efforts." It's so true and I've never seen it more than I have on my mission. The world was created for families and because of the Restoration of The Gospel of Jesus Christ, we have the opportunity to be together not just here and now but forever. It brings a lot of comfort to my heart to know that I will be sealed in the temple for all of time and eternity :)  After we were done teaching, we painted prayer rocks with them. Walker's friend made the comment that he was going to pray everyday now. Ah! I just love teaching kids so much! They are so receptive and so willing.
We finally met with Earl and had an incredible lesson with him! He's the one that has read pretty much every religious book and has been all over the world. He said, " I'm still on my spiritual journey but I think I'll stay here for awhile." He is set to be baptized on the 12th of July! It's been so neat to see his progression over the past several months. His testimony has really grown from the time we knocked on his door until now.

We also met a man named Steve. One of our members introduced us to him and he is legit. He has recently retired from working with the government as a corporate investigator. He told us some of the crazy situations that he's been in and it made me think about becoming a spy too..... just kidding! But it does sound like an intense/adventurous career :D

Saturday we had Sophia's baptism!!!!!!!!!!!!! And let me just say there is no greater feeling than seeing someone that you love and care for so much, enter the waters of baptism and the light they have surround them after they receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

I was also able to go to the temple with President and Sister Young on Thursday! It was the best! When we were in the Celestial room he just hugged me and told me that he couldn't wait to be in the sealing room real soon with Trevor and I! I couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day. On the drive back to our areas the transfer van was filled with all of the other sisters going home this transfer or next. That was also super fun! I've become really close with a lot of them and they will be good friends forever. They pretty much planned my whole wedding on the way back. Haha! Not really but they joked!

And the best part of the week was when we went to Zone Conference up in Eugene and I got to see Trevor!!!!!! I got to see a glimpse of him teaching and he is phenomenal! Afterward, we got a really good picture with the 4 of us and it's something that I will treasure forever! I can't even believe that President and Sister Young are leaving the mission on Saturday. That will be the saddest day. Anyway, i've got to get going but know that I love you! Thanks for everything!

Sister Lyndsie Hall :)
P.S. Brodie Perry is coming to Roseburg to visit his sister and she wants to have us over for dinner while he is there!




Letter #66

Mon 6/16/14 5:48 PM

Hi Mom!
I would absolutely LOVE it if you sent President and Sister Young a thank you card! They have become so dear to my heart and I can't express how much I love them for all they have done for me and for they're constant understanding, love, and guidance. It's really hard to not get choked up even just sitting here thinking about it. We have our last Zone Conference tomorrow with them and I know that it's going to be very hard for all of us. They are leaving on the 28th :'( so you would need to send it soon if you are going to because I don't know their home address yet.
Anyway, this past week was by far one of the craziest weeks of my mission. Some problems came up in a companionship that I had to take care of and it's still going on today. We were up until around 1:00 in the morning on Saturday and we had to call President Young because it was/is still pretty serious. She may end up going home but for now she is staying. I feel so bad for her companion because this is her last transfer and she just wants to finish strong and have fun. She is my STL companion has become one of my best friends so I'm just trying to help her out.
On the other hand, the work here has been going really well! We met this man Gary a few weeks ago tracting and we were able to have our first lesson with him on Friday! It was a super neat experience. Just as we walked up, he and his girlfriend were walking out. His girlfriend got in her car and peeled out.. he told us that they just had a little fight but that we could still meet with him. We had a member with us so we went in and was just about to start reading from the Book of Mormon, when his girlfriend and another friend came back. We could feel the tension between them but we asked all of them to join us and guess what??? They did! We read 3 Nephi 11 and then Gary  pretty much taught all about the restoration. He is very fond of Joseph Smith. Which is very surprising considering that he used to be Jehovah's Witness. His friend asked a ton of questions and asked if he could have the book and the pamphlet. After we told them about church, Gary's girlfriend said that she would have to request Sundays off work! TOTAL MIRACLE!!! The Spirit was definitely present in that lesson and we have a return appointment this week! We also got everything squared away with Sophia's dad. He was trying to convince her not to get baptized but after much fasting and prayer from us and the ward, he signed the papers allowing her to get baptized!!! We met with our best lady friend Patsy this past week and she just turned 80! She is the sweetest little lady. We have been helping her with yard work along with teaching her and she wanted to pay us but we told her that we didn't want her money, so instead she bought us cinnamon bread and gave us blankets. Oh! So the past few weeks, we have been running into a lot of carpet cleaning guys-- not to be racist but they've all been black and they are so awesome! They make our day everytime we see them. Yesterday, one of them told us that we have "SWAG". Haha!

Today we had a Zone Activity that was super fun! We had a BBQ and played some sports in the gym! I made my first Island drink all by myself and I just have to say, it is SOOO good! It's called Otai :) Sister Falepapalangi and Elder Taumoelau are  making me fall in love with island food!

Anyways, that's kind been my week. This weekend has been super stressful but I'm still loving every second of it!

Oh! And I get to go to the temple on Thursday! It was a special invite from President for all of those going home this transfer and next..  I can't believe I'm one of those.
It sounds like everyone is doing well. Know that you and the rest of the family are in my prayers!
Love Ya!


Sister Lyndsie Hall :)

P.S. What days are you planning to go to Park City?

P.S.S. Thank you for putting money in my account. It's very much appreciated.

Letter #65

Mon 6/09/14 3:28 PM


I can't believe it's Monday again! The time is going by so insanely fast. I'm not quite sure how much I like it. Dad e-mailed me and told me that I only have 10 weeks left................. Not okay. It's hard to think that that day is coming.
This past week was SOOO amazing! Well mostly just Thursday cause I got to see Trevor!! It was one of the best days thus far! I can't even explain how great it was but I will try. Sister Falepapalangi and I drove up to Eugene that morning and we all met in the chapel. President talked a little bit about "Being More" and finding "Treasures." He told us that we were going on a hike up near Florence (near the Coast) to Sweet Creek. He told us too really listen to the Spirit and search for those treasures that were hidden and how we could relate it to finding families. The trail was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! There were tons of waterfalls all along the way. When we got to the end, there was a great magnificent waterfall where we all sat around and talked for a minute. Something kind of funny happened while there.... I was standing somewhat near Trevor when they were taking pictures of everyone. Sister Falepapalangi was trying so hard to get pictures of just Trevor and I but it was pretty impossible. I guess President Young caught on to what she was trying to do and told me in a very nonchalant way that he needed me to stand up and take a step forward. He then told Elder O'Neal (who was standing next to Trevor) that he needed him to back up to block the sun (there was no sun at all- Haha!) He also told Sister Young that she needed to duck down for a minute. Lol! He snapped a picture of the two of us side-by-side with the waterfall in the background. I could feel every missionary staring at us. I. JUST. LOVE. THAT. MAN. This probably isn't making any sense but all in all- It was my favorite day!

Since President and Sister Young are going home soon, we decided that we would make their last MLC the best one yet. Some of the missionaries made t-shirts for everyone to wear and Sister Fale' and I made lays for them. We had a really wonderful meeting. For the last hour, President and Sister Young did a Q&A  and that was fun. They were both being so funny the whole time. They started talking about the new mission president and that was really rough, especially at the end. I couldn't hold back the tears and I looked like a mess. President also took Trevor and I out to the foyer and talked to us for a little bit and told us that he wanted each of us to write a letter to each other in the month of June. That was a huge blessing to hear. It seems like the closer the time gets to going home the more I miss Trevor. Anyway, I'm sorry if this e-mail is all over the place and doesn't make sense.

The rest of the week was really good too. We met almost every one of our goals and it felt so good! One of the goals we set was to have 2 people on date for baptism, we got 4!!!! We had a lesson with Sophia, the 11 year old girl and it went so well. We invited her to be baptized and when she said yes we asked her what she felt, she started tearing up and said, " It feels really good that someone is actually asking me." Her parents both passed away awhile ago so her grandmother is raising her. We are beyond excited and can't wait for her baptism day!! We also had a very spirit filled lesson with one of our less actives. She just got her temple recommend and so we talked about temples. I cried. A LOT. I felt kind of guilty though because I received a ton of revelation in that lesson for myself about my future family when I probably should have been receiving it for her. It was a really tender experience though and it makes me want a family of my own SO bad! We had a lot of other really great lessons with our investigators and I wish I could tell you all of them but I am running out of time. I hope you know how much I love and appreciate all that you do for me. I love you so so much!



Sister Hall
P.S. I just found your e-mail so I will try to read it and get back to you.

Letter #64


Mon 5/26/14 2:01 PM

Hi Mom!

I cannot even believe that it's Monday again! I swear time just keeps speeding up. It's crazy that next week will be June! Lots of things have happened this past week here in Winchester/Roseburg!
Starting last Sunday our whole Zone decided to have a "Miracle Week!" All the missionaries in the Roseburg area, fasted and prayed together for miracles to happen. I don't think i've ever seen so many miracles my whole mission or that I recognized anyways. Miracle #1 happened when we went to a less active members home that we have been trying to get ahold of the whole time i've been here. She answered the door and we were able to go in and have a lesson with not only her, but her daughter and boyfriend. It was an amazing lesson too! Miracle #2 A few weeks ago we met a lady while tracting that was super friendly! She gave us some water and told us that she would love to talk more about what we believe but that she was on her way to work... we went back this week and her husband answered the door. We told him that we had talked to his wife and he said, " Yeah, she talked to me about The Book of Mormon a bit but we never got a chance to sit down and look over it together." Standing behind him was 4 little kids that we're just beaming. He then continued to say that he was actually a little busy at the moment babysitting his friends kids (who are Mormons) because his friends wife was in labor with their 5th child. He told us repeatedly to come back and have a sit down discussion!!! :D Miracle #3 We finally met with one of our investigators that was on date for baptism that hasn't been answering any of our phone calls or texts and cancelled every one of our appointments. We had an amazing lesson with her and got her back on date for the 14th of June!!! She told us the reason that she kept cancelling our appointments..... and no offense but it reminded me of something that you would say. She told us that it was because she was so embarrassed that her house was always a mess and that her dogs would try to jump all over us. Doesn't that sound like something you would say? Haha! Anyway, we also had another great lesson with her and committed her to live the Word of Wisdom. She accepted and told us that she had actually quite drinking alcohol 7 years prior and she feels that it was because God was preparing her to meet us and to take this next step in her life. It's so amazing to see her testimony grow every time we meet with her and to witness the healing effects of the Atonement in somebody else's life. Miracle #4 We got to see President and Sister Young at a specialized training where I was able to receive a lot of revelation on how I can improve my teaching and help my investigators to progress quicker! Miracle #5 After the training we were driving away when we saw a lady sitting on the side of the road. Sister Haugen and I both felt like we needed to turn around and go talk to her or at least give her some water. She was very appreciative and we were able to use everything we just learned in training that lead her to want to meet with us! Miracle #6 We've been teaching 2 less active little girls, Tianna and Marina. We've been reading through the Book of Mormon and teaching them primary songs! Their dad, who is also less active, usually never sits in on the lessons but this time he did and when we were teaching them the Book of Mormon stories song, I glanced over at him and he was lipping the words! He didn't think anybody noticed. Miracle #7 We were tracting when we knocked on a man's door named Mike and I'm not even joking he's 7 feet tall! He told us of some really incredible experiences that he's had in his life that has brought him closer to God. He said he used to be "scum" but has completely changed his life around. He started telling us what he believes and it lines up with everything that we believe! Miracles #8 I was overcome with the Spirit and felt so impressed to invite him to be baptized on the 21st of June right there on his doorstep.. He looked at me and was quiet for a moment and then said that baptism is something that he has really been pondering over lately. I was about to cry... Miracle #9 He said that he would be baptized but would like to come to church first and learn more about our beliefs!!!!! GOLDEN!!! Sister Haugen and I walked back to our car and had a little freak out! Ok, it wasn't a little freak out, it was a HUGE freak out! Lol!! We then went and met her grandparents for lunch! They just finished their mission in Tacoma Washington and got permission to take us out for a few hours! That was fun to meet her family :) Miracle #10 We had a phenomenal lesson with one of our less actives on repentance and forgiveness! Miracle #11 We had an insanely good smootie from a place called Juice Booster! Miracle #12 Five of the less actives that we are working with came to church and 1 of our investigators! Miracle #13 A less active took us to a fish migration waterfall where there are salmon that are 3 feet long! So cool! Miracle #14 And the list goes on!!!!!!! Overall it's been an amazing week and we have been working SO SO hard! Sister Haugen and I rededicated ourselves to the Lord a few weeks ago and the blessings have been flowing ever since. It's amazing what the Lord will do for you if you only allow him. Transfers are coming up this next week and I really really hope that we stay here together. We get along so well and I really want to be able to see these wonderful people that we have been working with so hard progress and enter the waters of baptism. I am a little nervous because i've been here 2 transfers and President doesn't usually like to 6 week shaft anyone, especially sisters.... that means put someone in a new area for 6 weeks before they go home. But I know it's all in the Lords hands and that He will place me where I need to be.
I hope that you and Rich are feeling better! That doesn't sound like fun at all. I feel very blessed that I haven't gotten sick once on my mission (knock on wood). I hope you have a better week!
You asked, if challenging people to be baptized right away scares them off. You would think, but if they have truly been prepared and their hearts are softened then no. The Spirit speaks to their heart and they cannot deny the feelings from the Holy Ghost. It's amazing isn't it? That is what is such a great testimony builder to me. When I know and can feel the Spirit working through me. I know that I am just an instrument in His hand.
I love you so much and appreciate all that you do for me!

Thank you so much for the package!!



Letter #63

Mon 5/19/14 12:47 PM

Hi Mom!
This past week was really good! We saw so many miracles! The first being a referral from the Elders! The transit- bishop for the area, paid for a hotel room for someone and the manager that was there was very touched by the whole situation. The bishop was able to give her a Book of Mormon and asked if us sisters could come see her.. So we did! And let me just say, she is GOLDEN! She is a single mother who just moved to Roseburg with her 2 boys. They are 3 and 4 years old- so cute! She said that she's always wondered about going to an LDS church but everyone she talked to told her that only members are allowed (it's so frustrating when people spread false rumors). She told us that she would definitely be coming this next Sunday! We are planning on committing her to baptism tomorrow for the 7th of June! We are so excited for and about her! Another miracle we saw is when we went and helped a Recent Convert do yard work the other day. She told us that she wants us to start teaching her adopted daughter the lessons! Her name is Sophia! She is the cutest little girl and so musically talented! She has already come to church a few times and has told her friend who is a member, that she wants to be baptized!!

Yesterday during Sacrament Meeting, I had another really spiritual experience where the Spirit consumed me and really strengthened my testimony even more of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I am so grateful for him and for all that he went through so that we could have The Book of Mormon today. The more I learn about the him and his life, the more I appreciate the trials and hardships that i've gone through because it is nothing compared to that which he had to endure. It breaks my heart that he was so wrongly accused but at the same time fills me with such joy to know that he did all of it for us and for the Savior. It makes me want to do better and be better and really give my whole self to the Lord.

I went on exchanges again this past week to my old ward in Grants Pass!!!!!!! I just love it there so much! Every time I go there, I just feel like i'm home. I was able to see a few of the people that I used to work with and that was really nice! I also got to see one of my all time favorite people!! He went to a lesson with us and we talked for a little bit after wards. He is preparing to go to the temple soon and was actually thinking about going through the Salt Lake Temple around October and then going to General Conference! He has never been to Utah so that might be cool to take him around to see different places. Oh, by the way.. he is in his 40's and single so if you know of any cute women that are firm in the gospel and single, let me know :) Haha! Just kidding. I also found out that Roberta is preparing to go to the temple too!! She will have been a member for 1 year on August 10th so I'm going to ask President Young if I can go through with her before I come home. Man, I can't wait for you too meet all of these incredible people some day!
Heavenly Father has really been showing me so many tender mercies lately. One in particular that I was really needing which led to a very spiritual experience. It helped me to see some things in a different light and gain a new perspective on some things that I was struggling with. It helped me to know the reasoning behind certain situations and gave me so much hope and faith for the future.
I also get to see President Young this week and possibly Trevor next week!!!!!!! :D Will you tell him thank you for the CD's!

Sorry this e-mail is all over the place. It seems like I have so many thoughts ALL THE TIME and I don't know how to put them down in an orderly fashion.

Please don't feel bad for not writing letters more or posting my e-mails on the blog. I know that life back home is probably just as busy as life in the mission. Time escapes you so quick! So don't even worry about it. I will try my absolute hardest to write Chelsie a letter today.
I love you so much mom! I hope that you are having a good day and that you have a great rest of the week!

Lynds :)

P.S. You asked if I would like anything in the package you are sending out.... I've been craving cashews but they are so stinkin' expensive and maybe some dried mangos. We are trying to eat healthier so if you can think of anything that is healthy that would be greatly appreciated :)

Letter #62

Mon 5/05/14 1:12 PM

Hi :)

 Another great week gone by and I can't believe it's already May! I had a pretty good week!  Monday night the other Sister Training Leaders, picked Sister Falepapalangi (my STL companion) and we drove up to Eugene! It was soooooo much fun! We stayed the night at the YSA sisters apartment and there was about 16 of us there! It was seriously such a good time! All of my favorite sisters were there that I have previously served with and 8 of us slept on the small floor space where pretty much all of our heads were touching. Haha! We just reminisced the whole time! I could hardly sleep because I was so excited for MLC the next day! We went to Camp Alpine and did service and then had our meeting. And I absolutely love those meetings! I always leave feeling uplifted and edified and like I can take on the world :D I also got to see and talk to Trevor!!!!!! I just love him so stinkin' much!!!!!!!! He seems to be doing really well and it just makes my heart so happy! President came and sat next to me during lunch and told me that he had told mine and Trevor's story to an entire youth conference. I talked to Trevor later and he said that it was true and that he even made him stand up and pointed him out to everyone. Ya gotta love President Young! After MLC, I also saw Trevor 2 other times! Once at the church and another time at the Mission Office! It was great! :) His new companion Elder Harmon used to serve here in my ward so I've heard lots about him and it seems like they are going to be great friends!

The week seemed to have flown by and we had some really great lessons with the people we are working with. Our investigator Barbara is so close to baptism and we hope to get her on date this week! We also had a lesson with the Bruce's! They are a very interesting couple............ BUT very nice. They have a special place in their hearts for missionaries and are really trying to make it back to church. Brother Bruce has a lot of health problems and it's hard for him to get around so that's the only reason he's not coming to church. He actually got a new pair of slacks and set a goal to make it to church by the 1st of June. He is a sweet man and has such sincere desires. I love when people are actually trying and giving it their all  for something that they know is worth it. We went and sang again to our little lady friend. It's really amazing like you said what a simple song can do. When we first got to her house she was really mad and didn't even want to talk but we started singing and she lit right up and actually joined in singing :) Sister Falepapalangi and I went to Grants Pass for exchanges on Saturday and it was an amazing exchange! The sister I was with for the day is new to the area so we went tracting a lot and we met this remarkable man named Steve. We had the best lesson i've ever had with him on his front porch. I felt such a connection with him and I couldn't help but think that I might have known him in the pre-earth life. He asked the most perfect questions and the Spirit was so incredibley strong. He said some things that were really thought provoking and that filled my soul with joy because it made me bear my testimony in a way that made him really ponder all that we were saying and made him feel the spirit so strong that it brought tears to his eyes. He told me that there was something within me and my voice that made him want to believe and that touched his heart in a way that he had never felt. He may sound like a creeper but he was so genuine and real. You don't find people like him very often and I am so grateful for the blessing I had to be on that exchange at that time. It makes me feel a little bummed though because it's not my area so I won't be able to teach him but that's okay. There are great sisters serving there and they will be able to teach him according to his needs. I was on a spiritual high for the rest of the day and Sister Falepapalangi and I had an awesome talk on the drive back to Roseburg. I love that Sister so much! Her and I are going to be best friends for life! :D Oh! And last week my shoes fell completely apart and one of our members saw them and freaked out a bit so she bought me new shoes. I told her that I had other ones and that she didn't need to do that but she insisted.... Another little miracle is, every Friday we have dodgeball and there are now about 7 non-members coming! We found out that they are all orphans living in a foster home just across the street. A few of them we talked to have had such unreal hard things happen in their lives and the oldest is only 16. It makes me feel so sad for them because they are such great great kids. I'm glad the foster parents are allowing them to come into the church for a few hours so that they can feel the spirit and get to know other kids that are in the gospel. The oldest boy asked Sister Haugen and I if we could show him the chapel. We did and it was so neat, he had the biggest smile on his face and tears arose in his eyes. He said that he hadn't felt that way in a long time and that he wished he could feel whole like that all the time. We actually just found out, like the Elders in our ward just called as I am typing and told us that he was baptized 2 years ago but got lost in the shuffle with foster care. Aaah! I can't even explain how full my heart is right now. This gospel and this work is magnificant. I don't ever want to stop doing it. And I won't. Moments like these can never be forgotten and I only wish that everyone could have this experience. Heavenly Father is so good to us. I love Him with all that I am and am grateful to be his servant and His sons representative. I just want to make them proud and give every soul the happiness and peace that I have.
Anyways, I hope that all is well back home and that things are going great! I am excited to see everyone on Sunday! I'm not quite sure what time we will be on Skype but our church is from 10-1 so we'll be in church at the same time as you since there is a time difference. It will probably be after 2:00 my time, so after 3:00 your time.
I love you!!! Have a great day
Sister Lyndsie Hall :)

Letter #59

Mon 4/28/14 12:25 PM



This past week was incredible! Sister Haugen and I saw more miracles this week than ever before!!
 We had a very Spirit filled lesson with one of our investigators Walker. I don't know if I told you about him or not but his dad just got baptized in November and he already has a stake calling. Walker is 11 years old and the neatest kid I've ever met! We taught him about the restoration last week and when we asked him what he thought and if he believed it was true he said, " Yes. I believe it." We then asked him why and he said, " I don't know, I can just feel it. It's hard to describe." We explained to him that it was the Spirit letting him know it was true. Then after I said the closing prayer, he looked up and said, " Did anybody else feel that? I just got chills up and down my body." All the while he had tears streaming down his face. I have never seen a boy at such a young age feel the Spirit so strong that it has brought tears to his eyes. It was the neatest experience to be apart of. His dad also had tears in his eyes and was just beaming. We felt inspired to invite him to be baptized but his mom is a non-member and we need to get approval from her first because he's a minor. If you could keep her in your prayers that her heart might be softened, it would be greatly appreciated :) Another miracle we saw was while we were tracting. We are serving in the wealthier part of Roseburg and it seems like every door that we knocked on, told us that they are comfortable where their at. It seems that a lot of people feel that what they have is enough and that they don't need anything else. Anyway, we knocked on this one door in particular and a women opened. Her name is Karmen. She listened to every word that we spoke and then told us that she had worked with members of our church in the past and that she actually already had a copy of The Book of Mormon. We invited her to read it and she kind of seemed like she wasn't too interested BUT we said a prayer on her doorstep before we went on to the next house and she too had tears in her eyes when we looked up. It's amazing how the Spirit can touch someones heart so quickly. She told us 3 or 4 times to come back and ran back into her home to grab a piece of paper to write what chapter we wanted her to read in The Book of Mormon! We also went to visit a potential that Sister Payne and I had tracted into. We brought a 18 year old girl with us to visit her and when we had asked if she'd read the chapter we assigned to her she said no. We were bold and asked if we could come into her house right then and read it with her and share more about what we believe. She said YES! And that was another incredible lesson that we had! The Spirit was so strong and she was so curious to know that we had a Prophet and Apostles on the earth today. While sitting in that lesson, something really amazing happened. Something that hasn't happened in awhile. Sister Haugen was teaching and a thought came to my mind about baptism then a subtle voice also came into my mind that said, " She's the one. She's the extra one." Sister Haugen and I had set transfer goals the day before and sealed those goals with a prayer. We asked Heavenly Father to place just one more person in our path that was ready and prepared to receive the gospel and that we could help into the waters of baptism. We firmly believe that Karmen is that one extra person. I love having experiences like that because they build my testimony exponentially. I can't even explain the joy that this work and this gospel brings into my heart. I just love it. We also had a really awesome lesson with one of our sweet less active ladies we are working with. She bore her testimony to us and said that she was so grateful for us coming into her life and that we have given her hope. She said some of the most tender things I have ever heard and that I will cherish forever. One thing that I am learning from her is my true potential and who I am. And it's funny because she is just trying to improve herself and as she does so it helps me.

We met a lady the other day who has gone through some really hard things in her life and is very lonely. We asked her if we could sing her a song and she said she would absolutely love that. She used to sing and play the piano but because of her health she is unable to do so. We sang "Be Still My Soul" and the Spirit was so strong. She invited us back next week and told us that she would like for us to come back every week and sing to her so that will be fun! Another cool miracle was that we met with Travis. Another one of our less actives who is a single father raising 3 young children. He is an incredible dad. We helped him remember the importance of the Sacrament and he told us that we could come back every week as well! We have just been so blessed with so many miracles this past week and I feel especially blessed because I have Sister Haugen as my companion. I seriously love this girl so much! She is 26 years old and was actually called to the Oregon Eugene Mission 5 years ago but things came up and she wasn't able to come out at that time. She is the sweetest Sister that i've met and I am so grateful that she is my companion. She told me that she saw Trevor a few times in her last area and that he was so sweet when she was struggling in training. I actually  get to see him again tomorrow!!!! I think! I hope! We have MLC and we're going to camp Alpine! I'm not quite sure what we're doing but I am stoked!!!!! One more thing that was great was that Elder Packer, President Boyd K. Packer's son came to our stake conference yesterday and spoke. I was able to talk to him a little bit and shake his hand. We also met Elder Doxey. What inspired men they are!

I hope all is well back home. Know that you are all in my prayers. I love you so much!




Sister Hall :)

Letter #58

Mon 4/21/14 12:57 PM
Hi mom!

So today is transfers and I will be staying here in Roseburg. President Young called Saturday morning and said that he tried to keep us together another transfer but the spirit kept telling him that Sister Payne needed to go to Klamath Falls and that Sister Haugen, my new companion really needed me. He didn't say why, he just said, " She really needs you and I'm going to leave it at that." It kind of stinks because Sister Payne and I were only together for 6 weeks and hardly ever saw each other because we were on exchanges so often but we became great friends and will definitely be hanging out after the mission sometime. I've got someone in mind for her to date when I get home! Haha! Anyway, Sister Haugen seems like a real sweetheart! She's from San Clemente California and has been on her mission for 3 months. I am super excited to be companions with her and I can already tell that we are going to get along great :)

This past week was kind of insane. We went on exchanges again to Grants Pass and it went really well. I learned a lot from the sister that I was with and I even got to see a few of my favorite people!! We saw Roberta and she is getting ready to go to the temple to receive her endowments! I cannot even tell you how happy I am for her! I really want to come back to Oregon after my mission and go through with her and a few more of my recent converts :) The whole time I was in Grants Pass, I felt like I was home. It was so interesting to see the changes that have gone on but also the things that have stayed the same.

Easter was really good. We had some amazing speakers in Sacrament Meeting and had dinner at a members home and oh my goodness! She made a delicious dessert that was to die for! ( I will send you a picture!)

Best Easter Dessert!!

We also dyed Easter eggs with one of our less active ladies that we are working with. She's manic bipolar but the sweetest lady ever! She has told us some things that have really touched my heart and we've become really close friends. She calls us her adopted girls because she and her husband weren't able to have children. I can't wait for you to meet her someday! We also saw the Tolley's, another less active couple that we are working with. He's a long time member and she's a recent convert. They are trying to get to the temple but have to work through a few things first. I love them though! Every time we go to their home they make us take a candy bar from their huge stash.. No wonder i'm gaining weight :( 

Another thing that we started up in our ward is Dodgeball. We do it every Friday night at 7 and anyone is welcome to come! We had a great turn out last week with 4 non-members there!  

Oh! And guess what!?!? Sister Marble is here with me right now while she waits to get picked. She is getting transferred to Coquille. Weird, huh? Sister Nealy is coming into the Zone along with a few other new sisters. There isn't one companionship in our Zone that is staying together. It's really weird. Also, when President called for transfers he told me that I will now  be over 11 Sisters. 5 in Grants Pass and 6 in Roseburg........ I felt a little overwhelmed, especially because we will probably be going on exchanges 3 times a week and that means I won't be with my companion for a lot of the time but I know that the Lord won't give us anything that we can't handle and that He will always provided a way. If He needs me to do this then I will give it my all.

I did get your package! Thank you so much! That was so sweet of you and I did get the dress as well last week. I tried it on and it fits well but I didn't see the belt that went with it so I might have to find one at Wal-mart or something. I really appreciate you sending it. I am in need of more garments but I think I will just order them online because I heard they changed the sizing again..

You keep asking about when I'm coming home and as of right now I will be coming home August 26th or 27th. Most, if not all of the sisters that I came out with will be going home the first part of July. And I am definitely still looking forward to spending some time with just you and Chels. I don't really care where, I just want to be able to spend some time with the both of you before life gets crazy.

We also had an amazing Easter Devotional Conference Call with President and Sister Young yesterday morning and the whole mission will be reading The Book of Mormon for 15 minutes each day during lunch in the months of May and June. I am stoked about it and I think it would be really neat if you and the rest of the family took the same challenge.

I hope that you are all doing well and that you have a great week! I love you all so much!


Sister Hall

P.S. Can you believe that Mother's Day is only 3 week away???? Can't wait to see ya!

P.S.S. Do you know if Trevor is getting transferred?


Letter #57

: Mon 4/14/14 1:43 PM


My tooth is fixed! My whole face is actually super numb as I am writing this e-mail. I went in today and everything is great! So.. How has your week been? Mine was probably the craziest/busiest/most stressful that it's ever been. Monday we went with Rick and Mary all day up to a place called Fall Creek Falls. It was absolutely beautiful! It was kind of like the place I went to in Lebanon where there were waterfalls everywhere. We got back 15 minutes before we had to be back out working so that was a bit stressful. We then had a really great lesson with Walker- he's one of our investigators! He's 11 years old and just the cutest kid! His dad just got baptized in November and already has a stake calling. Crazy, right? Anyway, he says the cutest prayers and told us that he was going to take The Book of Mormon to school and read it at recess. He also said that he would more than likely read it more than once :) Then Tuesday we had interviews with President Young! I just love that man. He always knows just the right thing to say and I know I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without him. After interviews we had a lesson with one of our new investigators named JoAnn! She is amazing! We invited her to be baptized within the first 20 minutes of our lesson and she accepted! The Lord truly is preparing the hearts of His children to receive the gospel (Alma 16:16). Later that evening we drove to Grants Pass for exchanges with the sisters there. They are both pretty new missionaries so it was fun to see how  they are learning and growing :) Funny thing happened... we were walking across the street when someone yelled out the window of his car saying, "I thought we got rid of you!" I turned around and it was a member from the Redwood ward! It was great! After our exchange with them we drove 80 miles back to Roseburg, which I actually really like because it gives Sister Payne and I a chance to get to know each other better. On Thursday, we planned for the coming week and then went on exchanges again with the Sisters in our stake. It's really interesting being a Sister Training Leader because you learn so much from the other Sisters but you also learn so much about yourself and the kind of missionary you are. Friday we went to District Meeting and then had 4 lessons before we had to drive to Grants Pass again for another exchange with a different set of sisters- the sisters in the Redwood ward! I was so excited for this exchange because it was of course in my old area but also because I was going to be with Sister Peterson for the whole day! She was one of my companions in the MTC and it was so neat to reminisce and see how much she has changed. I love her so much and can't wait to be able to hang out with her after the mish! We had some really spiritual lessons that day with some of the investigators and less active members that I was working with while serving there. I can't tell you how sweet of an experience it was. Friday as we were driving to Grants Pass we got a call from a member of the bishopric who said that the person supposed to give a talk on Sunday bailed and asked if I would be willing to speak. Hahahahaha...... you know how much I love speaking but I couldn't say no. I had about 10 minutes to prepare for it because we were busy all day Saturday with exchanges and didn't get home until late that night. Also, they asked us to teach Gospel Principles last minute which just added  to the already stressful day. It probably sounds like I'm complaining. I promise I'm not. I absolutely love every single moment of my mission and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love being so busy, but it does make the time go by fast and I sometimes wish it would slow down. Yesterday was mine and Sister Payne's 14 month mark. We both freaked out a bit, especially her because she is going home the early transfer. Anyways, that was my week! I hope that you are doing well. I did get a few letters from the family and I can't explain how much each of them meant to me. I really truly appreciate the tender words in each letter. Thank you so much.  I love you all so very much and am grateful to be apart of such a wonderful family. 




P.S. Did Trevor happen to send those CD's to you? I was wondering if he had Elder Henrie's album as well?

P.S.S. I HAVE THE BEST FAMILY EVER! I sure do miss you guys!