Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Letter #74


Mon 8/11/14 4:12 PM

Me and Lexi! We matched.. On accident :)
Hi mom,
So we had MLC on Tuesday and it was really good. It was also really
hard. There's been a lot of change within the leadership council this
past transfer and all of the Sisters I came out with except Sister
Hancock ( my MTC companion ), and those that came out right before me,
left to go home last transfer.

P-Day Fun!

Medford temple trip
There's a lot of fairly new
missionaries in the council now that I don't know and I just felt out
of place or disconnected or maybe just I just felt like an old missionary.  It was weird. A lot of the Elders there have served with
Trevor but it's pretty much impossible to talk to any of them without all of the new missionaries being awkward. I just found out also that
I won't be seeing him for our next Zone Conference, I'm super bummed about that.. unless he's there at the church in Eugene around 4:30. We have a special MLC where we will be meeting with a member of the Seventy.

Things are just different now. I think it's mainly because President and Sister Young have left, and I really formed a strong relationship with them and they were always so understanding and so loving. I guess it's just really been hard getting used to a new mission president, especially when I'm so close to going home. One of the
Assistants to the President is going home with me this transfer and he bore a really sincere testimony about his mission and how quickly 2 years goes by and how he can't imagine how it must be for sisters only getting to serve for 18 months.

It hit me hard that I've only got 2 weeks left.............. I sorta fell apart on the car ride home. It
really does fly by so fast. I feel that Heavenly Father is trying to prepare me to come home though. I find myself getting excited for things that lie ahead and to be with all of my family and friends again.

I didn't realize just how many scarfs
I've accumulated...... :)

After MLC on Tuesday, I went on an exchange in Winston with Sister Abbott ( she's the one that will be flying in to St. George
with me ). It was a very much needed exchange. We were able to get a lot of emotions out and talk about the things we've learned on our
missions. While we were in Winston, we went and visited Sister Maxfield. She's someone that Trevor told me to go see a few months ago. The first thing she said when I walked in the door was, " It's about time!! " Haha! I guess he used to teach there family when he was serving there.
She's got a darling set of year old twins. That should tell ya something! The little boy took my hand in his hands and kissed my hand. Lol it was the curtest thing! It was really neat to be able
to meet someone that he had worked with on his mission too :D

Sister Adair and I on the transfer van
Once a month we have Zone Training Meeting
which is where all the missionaries in the Stake ( which is 22 ) get together to learn about
the things that the mission president and his councilors teach at MLC.
We were able to teach about prayer and it went really well. We didn't have much time to prepare so we depended on the Spirit A LOT. At the
end of ZTM, the Zone Leaders had the 3 of us going home this transfer bear our testimonies and that was hard too. I can't believe how close
it is...
Last night, a member invited us over for dinner with all of her extended family and a few single sisters from the ward and also a non member family that we've been trying to teach. It was super fun and we had a great discussion about step children and step parents because almost every person there is part of a blended family. I've really come to love the people in this ward and will be sad to leave them but, I am also excited to be back in the good ol' Washington Ward :)

I don't know what it is, but I have met so many people and ate so much
food from the islands. We had dinner with the Hawaiian family in our
ward that we are helping with her mission papers and they made us
something called Loco Moco. It was interesting. Haha!

So, you know the lady I told you about that was the only one who
answered her door while we were tracting on that super duper hot day?
Well we set a baptismal date for the 30 of August!! I am super happy
for her even though I'll miss her baptism by 4 days. I knew from the
moment that we met her that she was going to get baptized. I actually
said it to Sister Aguilar the day we knocked on her door. I love how
the Spirit works within people! I just love being an instrument in the
Lords hand and I will be eternally grateful for the opportunity I've
been given to serve him here in Oregon.

Now, matters of business---

That's awesome that Brandon is thinking about going on a mission! I hope he goes through with it! It will definitely change his life for the better.

I hope all is well with Chelsie. I also hope that they don't move too far away if Blake gets a different position.

Tell Kelli that I am sorry that I haven't written her back yet. I am seriously so crunched on time. I really loved her letter and it helped me to know where she's at and gave me a better insight on how I can help the investigators that I am working with. I hope that I will be able to talk with her when I get home about the gospel and help her to understand how to gain faith :)

 Ok. So... I'm not really sure what time I will be arriving at the airport, you know more than I do about all that stuff but I like your idea of just having ice-cream sundays at the house with everyone that comes to the airport! And of course Brianna can come! I would love that so much! I would also love it if you could invite Trevor's family, MaKayla, Grandma Kendall and Grandma Hall, Dad and Sandy of course, Lilian Falepapalangi, Megan Clove, and Rebecca  Francom, and whoever else wants to be there.

I love you so much and hope you have a great week!

Thanks for everything! You are the best!


Sister Hall :)

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