Friday, August 1, 2014

Letter #60

Mon 4/28/14 12:25 PM
This past week was incredible! Sister Haugen and I saw more miracles this week than ever    before!!

 We had a very Spirit filled lesson with one of our investigators Walker. I don't know if I told you about him or not but his dad just got baptized in November and he already has a stake calling. Walker is 11 years old and the neatest kid I've ever met! We taught him about the restoration last week and when we asked him what he thought and if he believed it was true he said, " Yes. I believe it." We then asked him why and he said, " I don't know, I can just feel it. It's hard to describe." We explained to him that it was the Spirit letting him know it was true. Then after I said the closing prayer, he looked up and said, " Did anybody else feel that? I just got chills up and down my body." All the while he had tears streaming down his face. I have never seen a boy at such a young age feel the Spirit so strong that it has brought tears to his eyes. It was the neatest experience to be apart of. His dad also had tears in his eyes and was just beaming. We felt inspired to invite him to be baptized but his mom is a non-member and we need to get approval from her first because he's a minor. If you could keep her in your prayers that her heart might be softened, it would be greatly appreciated :) Another miracle we saw was while we were tracting. We are serving in the wealthier part of Roseburg and it seems like every door that we knocked on, told us that they are comfortable where their at. It seems that a lot of people feel that what they have is enough and that they don't need anything else. Anyway, we knocked on this one door in particular and a women opened. Her name is Karmen. She listened to every word that we spoke and then told us that she had worked with members of our church in the past and that she actually already had a copy of The Book of Mormon. We invited her to read it and she kind of seemed like she wasn't too interested BUT we said a prayer on her doorstep before we went on to the next house and she too had tears in her eyes when we looked up. It's amazing how the Spirit can touch someones heart so quickly. She told us 3 or 4 times to come back and ran back into her home to grab a piece of paper to write what chapter we wanted her to read in The Book of Mormon! We also went to visit a potential that Sister Payne and I had tracted into. We brought a 18 year old girl with us to visit her and when we had asked if she'd read the chapter we assigned to her she said no. We were bold and asked if we could come into her house right then and read it with her and share more about what we believe. She said YES! And that was another incredible lesson that we had! The Spirit was so strong and she was so curious to know that we had a Prophet and Apostles on the earth today. While sitting in that lesson, something really amazing happened. Something that hasn't happened in awhile. Sister Haugen was teaching and a thought came to my mind about baptism then a subtle voice also came into my mind that said, " She's the one. She's the extra one." Sister Haugen and I had set transfer goals the day before and sealed those goals with a prayer. We asked Heavenly Father to place just one more person in our path that was ready and prepared to receive the gospel and that we could help into the waters of baptism. We firmly believe that Karmen is that one extra person. I love having experiences like that because they build my testimony exponentially. I can't even explain the joy that this work and this gospel brings into my heart. I just love it. We also had a really awesome lesson with one of our sweet less active ladies we are working with. She bore her testimony to us and said that she was so grateful for us coming into her life and that we have given her hope. She said some of the most tender things I have ever heard and that I will cherish forever. One thing that I am learning from her is my true potential and who I am. And it's funny because she is just trying to improve herself and as she does so it helps me.

We met a lady the other day who has gone through some really hard things in her life and is very lonely. We asked her if we could sing her a song and she said she would absolutely love that. She used to sing and play the piano but because of her health she is unable to do so. We sang "Be Still My Soul" and the Spirit was so strong. She invited us back next week and told us that she would like for us to come back every week and sing to her so that will be fun! Another cool miracle was that we met with Travis. Another one of our less actives who is a single father raising 3 young children. He is an incredible dad. We helped him remember the importance of the Sacrament and he told us that we could come back every week as well! We have just been so blessed with so many miracles this past week and I feel especially blessed because I have Sister Haugen as my companion. I seriously love this girl so much! She is 26 years old and was actually called to the Oregon Eugene Mission 5 years ago but things came up and she wasn't able to come out at that time. She is the sweetest Sister that i've met and I am so grateful that she is my companion. She told me that she saw Trevor a few times in her last area and that he was so sweet when she was struggling in training. I actually  get to see him again tomorrow!!!! I think! I hope! We have MLC and we're going to camp Alpine! I'm not quite sure what we're doing but I am stoked!!!!! One more thing that was great was that Elder Packer, President Boyd K. Packer's son came to our stake conference yesterday and spoke. I was able to talk to him a little bit and shake his hand. We also met Elder Doxey. What inspired men they are!

I hope all is well back home. Know that you are all in my prayers. I love you so much!




Sister Hall :)

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