Friday, August 1, 2014

Letter #61

Mon 5/05/14 1:12 PM
Hi :)
Another great week gone by and I can't believe it's already May! I had a pretty good week!!Monday night the other Sister Training Leaders, picked up Sister Falepapalangi (my STL companion)
Me & Sister Falepapalangi
and we drove up to Eugene! It was soooooo much fun! We stayed the night at the YSA sisters apartment and there was about 16 of us there! It was seriously such a good time! All of my favorite sisters were there that I have previously served with and 8 of us slept on the small floor space where pretty much all of our heads were touching. Haha! We just reminisced the whole time! I could hardly sleep because I was so excited for MLC the next day! We went to Camp Alpine and did service and then had our meeting. And I absolutely love those meetings! I always leave feeling uplifted and edified and like I can take on the world :D I also got to see and talk to Trevor!!!!!! I just love him so stinkin' much!!!!!!!! He seems to be doing really well and it just makes my heart so happy! President came and sat next to me during lunch and told me that he had told mine and Trevor's story to an entire youth conference. I talked to Trevor later and he said that it was true and that he even made him stand up and pointed him out to everyone. Ya gotta love President Young! After MLC, I also saw Trevor 2 other times! Once at the church and another time at the Mission Office! It was great! :) His new companion Elder Harmon used to serve here in my ward so I've heard lots about him and it seems like they are going to be great friends!
The week seemed to have flown by and we had some really great lessons with the people we are working with. Our investigator Barbara is so close to baptism and we hope to get her on date this week! We also had a lesson with the Bruce's! They are a very interesting couple............ BUT very nice. They have a special place in their hearts for missionaries and are really trying to make it back to church. Brother Bruce has a lot of health problems and it's hard for him to get around so that's the only reason he's not coming to church. He actually got a new pair of slacks and set a goal to make it to church by the 1st of June. He is a sweet man and has such sincere desires. I love when people are actually trying and giving it their all  for something that they know is worth it. We went and sang again to our little lady friend. It's really amazing like you said what a simple song can do. When we first got to her house she was really mad and didn't even want to talk but we started singing and she lit right up and actually joined in singing :) Sister Falepapalangi and I went to Grants Pass for exchanges on Saturday and it was an amazing exchange! The sister I was with for the day is new to the area so we went tracting a lot and we met this remarkable man named Steve. We had the best lesson i've ever had with him on his front porch. I felt such a connection with him and I couldn't help but think that I might have known him in the pre-earth life. He asked the most perfect questions and the Spirit was so incredibley strong. He said some things that were really thought provoking and that filled my soul with joy because it made me bear my testimony in a way that made him really ponder all that we were saying and made him feel the spirit so strong that it brought tears to his eyes. He told me that there was something within me and my voice that made him want to believe and that touched his heart in a way that he had never felt. He may sound like a creeper but he was so genuine and real. You don't find people like him very often and I am so grateful for the blessing I had to be on that exchange at that time. It makes me feel a little bummed though because it's not my area so I won't be able to teach him but that's okay. There are great sisters serving there and they will be able to teach him according to his needs. I was on a spiritual high for the rest of the day and Sister Falepapalangi and I had an awesome talk on the drive back to Roseburg. I love that Sister so much! Her and I are going to be best friends for life! :D Oh! And last week my shoes fell completely apart and one of our members saw them and freaked out a bit so she bought me new shoes. I told her that I had other ones and that she didn't need to do that but she insisted.... Another little miracle is, every Friday we have dodgeball and there are now about 7 non-members coming! We found out that they are all orphans living in a foster home just across the street. A few of them we talked to have had such unreal hard things happen in their lives and the oldest is only 16. It makes me feel so sad for them because they are such great great kids. I'm glad the foster parents are allowing them to come into the church for a few hours so that they can feel the spirit and get to know other kids that are in the gospel. The oldest boy asked Sister Haugen and I if we could show him the chapel. We did and it was so neat, he had the biggest smile on his face and tears arose in his eyes. He said that he hadn't felt that way in a long time and that he wished he could feel whole like that all the time. We actually just found out, like the Elders in our ward just called as I am typing and told us that he was baptized 2 years ago but got lost in the shuffle with foster care. Aaah! I can't even explain how full my heart is right now. This gospel and this work is magnificant. I don't ever want to stop doing it. And I won't. Moments like these can never be forgotten and I only wish that everyone could have this experience. Heavenly Father is so good to us. I love Him with all that I am and am grateful to be his servant and His sons representative. I just want to make them proud and give every soul the happiness and peace that I have.
Anyways, I hope that all is well back home and that things are going great! I am excited to see everyone on Sunday! I'm not quite sure what time we will be on Skype but our church is from 10-1 so we'll be in church at the same time as you since there is a time difference. It will probably be after 2:00 my time, so after 3:00 your time.
I love you!!! Have a great day
Sister Lyndsie Hall :)

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