Friday, August 1, 2014

Letter #68

Mon 6/30/14 4:58 PM

Hi Mom!

We just got back from hiking up at Susan Creek Falls! It was so beautiful and we had so much fun! It was just the 4 of us sisters and we made Otai again! Mango this time! 

Mango Otai :)

So this past week was pretty slow here but we still saw many miracles. One of them being while we were out tracting in an area that we didn't even know was ours. It's a tiny little ghost town out in the middle of nowhere and we found a man named Geoff! He is super humble and has a cute young family :) We have an appointment with him this week and are super excited about it! Another was when we were tracting a random street just before we were about to retire to our apartment. We found a man who has been struggling with his daughter- she ran away from home 9 months ago and hasn't seen here since. At first he was making jokes about the church and being really arrogant but as we started talking about eternal families, the spirit came in really strong and we could feel his heart softening. We gave him a Book of Mormon and told us we could visit him when he was in town. He works in here but lives in Medford. It amazes me everyday when I see how the spirit works within people and can change them. I love being an instrument in our Fathers hand and helping people to understand and accept the Atonement in their lives. This work is so real and Heavenly Father is in every aspect of it. He has shown me so many tender mercies within the past few months that have helped me to see the reasons why I was called to serve here. I love my mission with all my heart and wouldn't trade it for anything.
We also had a lesson with Rick and Mary! I love them so much! They just glow every time we see them! We were able to talk to them about the temple and they are so excited to prepare to go next year! Ah! I just love them! So, guess what?? The other day our favorite less active took us out to lunch and she took us to a place just like Alvaro's! It was super delish and made me feel like I was at home again. It was great!

We also went on exchanges again to Winston! It was pretty successful but also a bit crazy... as always!

So, Sister Marble did come out with me but she is going home the early transfer, which is in 2 weeks. As sisters we get to decide if we want to stay the late transfer or go home earlier. I decided to stay out the full 18 months so that's why she is going home before me. Also you can post most any pictures I send home. You also asked what I would like for my birthday and I'm not even sure.. Transfers are on the 14th and I don't want to accumulate to much stuff so I am going to start sending things home soon. I'm trying to find souvenirs and stuff to send you guys but I'm having a hard time finding a place that sells it. Anyways, I don't have much time but I love you and hope that you are having a good day! It sounds like you are having a fun time with Weston, Wyatt, and Carter! I sure miss them like crazy!
Sister Lyndsie Hall :)

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